Mood (Anxiety & Depression)

Some symptoms of anxiety and depression can range from sleep disturbance (sleeping too much or sleeping too little), increase or decrease in appetite and/or weight, irritability, social isolation, loss of interest in hobbies you used to enjoy, lack of motivation, general worry throughout the day or general feelings of sadness, distress, or agitation throughout the day, and ruminating thoughts (“mental obsessions”). These often spike during times of transition or stress or can be activated with a new life event such as graduation, beginning school, a job promotion, job loss, moving, a new relationship or loss of relationship, parenthood, death of a loved one, etc.

Interestingly, the pandemic has become a time in almost everyone’s life in which we have come face to face with old ways of coping that may no longer work. Many of us have been in isolation, our fears heightened, or have been missing the regular, daily contact we used to have with coworkers or family and friends. Therapy can help as you manage these concerns, begin a potential transition into more social contact, or deal with the overall stress that the pandemic may have brought on.

If you have been prescribed a mood stabilizer or SSRI by your physician but feel as though this has not been effective enough at treating your anxiety or depression, try it in conjunction with therapy! Research has shown that talk therapy increases the efficacy of medication. A targeted goal in therapy can also help you measure your success and progress.

While some of us have experienced anxiety or depression since childhood, and while some symptoms have been manageable, we may often find that we need additional support as our symptoms become activated in new ways. Therapy can help you identify your triggers for anxiety or depression and learn practical coping skills to manage these symptoms. Schedule a consultation today to see how therapy with Untangled can improve your mood.

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